My name is Jezebel. I am an independent musician based in Portland, OR.

I’ve lived in many places across the US, but I call my hometown Keller, TX. Raised in the bible-belt, I felt like a stranger in my city. I never truly belonged to that culture.

I received years of classical training in piano and composition. My music is eclectic: dark, cinematic, atmospheric, piano centered, with some elements of blues and tribal rhythms.

Who is my music for?

I started writing music to cope. Now, I write music for hope, and change. My music is for the outcasts, rebels, witches, queers, and anyone who has endured abuse.

My mission

I want my music to be a catalyst for revolution. I want us to create a community who believes we can change the world for the better. A community of artists, and eccentrics. Our collective voice is powerful.

Why Jezebel?

I chose the name Jezebel because of its connotations in popular Christianity. She is an archetype of a wicked, promiscuous, powerful woman. The term is bestowed upon women to shame them, and (in many cases) blame them for the actions of men.

What people don’t know about Jezebel is that she was a protector of the sacred feminine. She continued the worship of Asherah, (the wife of Yahweh), when the male leaders were trying to ban it. Asherah has been erased from Christian mythology, wiped out of history, and Jezebel condemned, her body thrown to the hounds.

I am here to undo that.

This is not my music. It is our music. I simply drag it down from the heavens. I want you to be a part of this journey.

I am the spirit that takes over your daughters and turns them into monsters…goddesses.